FMD Flor Essence 500ml


A blend of eight herbs which was originally developed by Rene Caisse and is known to many under the generic name of “essiac”.

A simple cup of tea, taken as a tonic every day, can easily become an integral part of your daily routine. Just like a multivitamin, Flor•Essence is most effective as a consistent habit. Flor•Essence can be taken on an ongoing basis, regardless of the level being consumed. But to really see and feel the benefits we recommend taking Flor•Essence twice a year for 10 days to simply and effectively cleanse the system post-Christmas and pre summer.

Recommended use:

It is best to take Flor•Essence at least 30 minutes before eating, or at bedtime.

Dilute the liquid with an equal amount of filtered hot water and sip slowly.

Consume at least 2 litres of non chlorinated or fluoridated water daily (this includes herbal teas) to help flush out the toxins released by Flor•Essence. Avoid caffeine, alcohol and processed foods.

> For cleansing: Take 50ml 1-2 times daily, preferably before breakfast and before bedtime, as the best cleansing occurs during sleep.
> For chronic conditions: Take 120ml twice daily.
> For serious conditions: 120ml can be taken up to 4 times daily.