Clearblue Pregnancy Test 6 day Ultra Early 1 Test



Early Pregnancy Test: Results from 6 days before your missed period (5 days before you expect your period) (1)
Clearblues most sensitive test – 10 mIU/ml hCG sensitivity: no test can tell you sooner.
No brand is more accurate: over 99 Percent accurate from the day you expect your period.
Easy to read results
Easy to use: Ergonomic handle, Colour-changing wide tip and Flood-guard Technology

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Clearblue Pregnancy Test 6 day Ultra Early 1 Test

Can test 6 days early

Clearblue Ultra Early is our most sensitive test meaning you can test up to 6 days before your missed period (which is 5 days before your expected period).

Over 99% Accurate

From the day of your expected period.

Easy to use

Clearblue® features an ergonomic design, including a longer, curved stick, and wide colour-changing tip.
Our unique Flood-guard Technology, which helps reduce the No.1 reported cause of user error2 and makes testing easier.

Easy to read results

Clear and simple result layout; 2 lines if you’re pregnant, 1 line if you’re not pregnant.